In the interest of processing your order as quickly as possible, we cannot cancel or change certain details on your order after it is placed. We highly suggest reviewing your order details before checking out. All sales are final and gift cards are non-refundable.

Here are some helpful tips for ya!
  • All recipients must have access to a mobile phone number to receive texts.

  • A GiftYa cannot be self-gifted - even with different email addresses.

    • The recipient's phone number must be different than the purchaser's

  • A recipient's phone number or email address can be updated at any time as long as the gift has not been redeemed.

  • A VISA GiftYa is not an eGift.

  • A recipient has several redemption options when receiving their gift.

    • Small fees may be charged to your recipient depending on the redemption option they choose.

  • A GiftYa cannot be sent internationally.